NOTES: You can type your contract size demand on the Quantity field (eg. 12345, 10001, 100, 18, etc). So if you want to trade 3 lots on $10000 contract size, fill the Quantity with 30000. and 1 pips (point) movement value would be $0.0001 x Contract Size Quantity (for currency, eg: EUR/USD, GBP/USD). Click Here for more information about how to calculate. Suggestion: the ideal maximum contract size quantity should be 20 times of your capital. examples: $5 capital = 100 contract size , $100 capital = 2000 contract size, $3000 = 60000 contract size, etc If you have another questions, you can login on Streamster with your account and then go to (click menu) : Discussions --> Groups --> (then select your country). or go to Discussions --> Support Our Live Support is available 24 hours (see Trading Hours) |